Best Books to Read for Real Estate Agents 2019

And here we are. Information technology's almost a new year's day.

And then how did information technology go? Did you hit your number? If yes, congrats!

If non, don't sweat it. At present is the perfect fourth dimension to harness that reflective year-stop energy into game-changing power plays for your real manor business. But with then many tips, tactics and strategies competing for your attention, how practise you know which ones actually work?

Nosotros turned to our network of leading brokers and real estate coaches to tell u.s. most the one volume that made the biggest practical impact in their business so you can narrow downward your reading listing and go a jumpstart on the New Yr.

No affair where you're at in your real manor journey, we'll assist y'all detect your next peachy read!

In this list yous'll find:

  • The best real estate amanuensis books for beginners
  • The best books for growing your existent estate business concern
  • The best books for building and leading your team
  • The best books to sharpen your mindset

The all-time real estate amanuensis books for beginners

Just getting ramped up in your existent estate career or want to share a volume with a new agent? This is where you want to start.

These books are beloved existent manor classics for a reason. But you don't take to be a beginner to get something out of them — experienced agents come up dorsum to these titles once again and again to get reacquainted with the fundamentals.

i. The Millionaire Existent Estate Amanuensis by Gary Keller with Dave Jenks and Jay Papasan

You tin can't create a best Realtor books list without MREA. Many agents consider information technology the bible of real estate — then if you haven't read it earlier, at present's the time!

Recommended past: John Selby, Team Leader, The Selby Team

"I listened to information technology back in 2015, took a lot from it, put a ton of stuff in place. And I feel like I'k at a spot where listening to it again will actually help. I've already taken a ton of great nuggets from there that are going to be implemented for peradventure the adjacent 5 years."

For more on how John brings these lessons to life, cheque out our interview — Engineering Hands-Off Real Estate Processes: three Steps to a Organization Y'all Don't Take to Think About

Reader reviews:

"The pattern for existent estate agent success" - HWT

"This book, dissimilar other fluff content past other authors, is literally the design for automating success in real manor."

"Many people become into existent estate with the same lack of business and entrepreneurship skills they take always had. Fifty-fifty if they meet success, they lock themselves into a difficult work trap that requires more and more and more than of them. I accept met and talked to a local seller doing $50M in transactions a yr with NO Idea about entrepreneurship and business organization systems. Yeah, she was taking home $40k-$60k per month... but she was on call, working 60+ hours a week, and had NO TEAM. She's a super high paid worker, non a business owner. … I feel like this book should be a mandatory read in real estate school for that exact reason!!"

About the writer:

Gary Keller is an American entrepreneur and best-selling author. He is the founder of Keller Williams, which is the largest existent estate company in the earth by amanuensis count, closed sales book, and units sold. Keller founded Keller Williams on grooming and instruction and after brought his teachings to print.

2. Exactly What To Say by Phil M. Jones

Recommended past: Chris Smith, co-founder, Curaytor

"Exactly What To Say by Phil Thousand. Jones is a must read/listen for every agent. It is a quick, tactical have on sales scripts that can easily exist applied to a real estate transaction. If you are open up minded to a better way of selling this book is amazing."

Nigh the author:

The author of five international best-selling books, and the youngest ever winner of the coveted "British Excellence in Sales and Marketing Award", Phil is currently i of the about in-demand assets to companies worldwide.

3. Opposite Selling: How Real Estate Agents Can Plough Cold Calls Into Clients by Brandon Mulrenin

Reader reviews:

"Best sales volume I've ever read - especially for Existent Manor" - Addison Fischer

"I've read virtually every single sales book bachelor on the market. And virtually real manor books I can get my hands on. When I got done with the first chapter of this book lonely, it completely shifted my perspective on what it ways to 'sell'. Opposite Selling and the wisdom imparted in this volume from a 7 figure agent who'southward been in the trenches really doing this stuff for years, volition change the mode you lot look at and run your business! Don't acquire from fake gurus who've never sold a firm…. Choice up this volume and gear up more appointments in the next week than you accept your whole career. (That'southward what happened to me)"

About the author:

Brandon Mulrenin is a onetime #ane listing agent for Keller Williams Premier who later launched his own contained brokerage business firm in Detroit, MI and turned it into ​​one of the fastest growing real estate companies in the state. At present, he is the founder and CEO of, too equally managing CEO of 3 other entities: Brookstone Realtors, National Mortgage Funding, and Maximus Title Agency.

4. The HyperLocal HyperFast Real Estate Amanuensis: How to Boss Your Real Estate Market in Nether a Yr – I Did it and so Can You lot! past Daniel James Lesniak

Reader reviews:

"Leadership by (compelling!) example" - Avant-garde Persistent Fret

"Dan's story demonstrates that committed implementation of solid fundamentals can put you lot on top, every fourth dimension. His rookie success would be unbelievable in a work of fiction, simply as a factual narrative, backed up by verifiable stats, it's truly inspiring. Lots of people abet common sense, resolute ethics and hard piece of work; hardly anyone offers such a detailed motion-picture show of how that can all come together. This is enormously valuable for anyone working in real estate. I'd too recommend it for anyone interested in business, or anyone with plans to purchase or sell a home."

Nearly the author:

After successful careers as both a Naval Submarine Officer and Defense Contractor, Dan Lesniak took to real estate in 2012. He went on to do over $22 million in sales his kickoff twelvemonth — and it's all thanks to the hyperlocal strategies he lays downwardly in this book.

The all-time books for growing your real manor business organisation

5. The Due east-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber

Recommended past: Jared James, Founder, Jared James Enterprises‍

About the writer:

Michael E. Gerber is an American author and founder of Michael E. Gerber Companies, a concern skills training visitor based in Carlsbad, California. Inc. Mag called him "the Earth's #1 Small Business Guru."

half-dozen. SOLD: Every Existent Estate Amanuensis's Guide to Building a Profitable Business by David Thou. Greene

Reader reviews:

"A Must Read for Everyone – Not Merely Agents" - Melissa Roybal

"This book is amazing. David gives such great, actionable steps to take as a new or seasoned agent. This volume is invaluable for anyone who is taking their existent estate career seriously, and wants to run it equally a truthful business organisation. Fifty-fifty those who are not in real estate equally an agent should read this book. It has useful information for existent estate investors every bit well. David provides a framework for implementing systems to help agents succeed in their business. There is no other book like this on the market for agents. David is speaking to today'southward agent. He gives data that is applicable to today'southward technological world that we live in combined with the tried and true methods for atomic number 82 generation and follow upwards that has remained true throughout time."

About the author:

David Greene is a real estate investor, top-producing agent, and nationally-recognized authority on existent estate and co-host of the BiggerPockets podcast. His other existent estate books — Long-Distance Real Estate Investing and Purchase, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Echo (BRRRR) — have sold more than 160,000 copies.

7. Wealth Tin't Wait by David Osborne

Recommended by: Nick Baldwin, Team Leader, KW Premier, COO, Lab Coat Agents and CEO, Nick Baldwin & Assembly

"Passive income in a shift is extremely of import. Information technology always was important. However, with abode sales slowing in that location may exist more deals to be had which will increment the ability to invest in real estate. Wealth Tin can't Wait by David Osborne and Paul Morris would be my go-to for any agent correct now looking to explore those opportunities."

About the authors:

David Osborn has built i of the top real estate brokerages in the world with more four,500 agents and annual sales volume exceeding $ten billion per yr.

Paul Morris is a prolific and award-winning entrepreneur, trainer, author, and business consultant.

8. The Pumpkin Programme by Mike Michalowicz

Recommended by: Cindy Greenya, Team Leader, Talbot Greenya Group

"The Pumpkin Plan is a great book about the power of making a system that is excellent and replicable and growing that and existence actually specific about what you want your business to exist. Knowing your niche and really leaning into that. You're much meliorate off to specialize in what you do well than doing a thousand things that y'all don't do well."

Check out our interview with Cindy Greenya — "The One Mistake that Turned this Existent Estate Team Leader into a Firm Believer in Follow Up."

About the author:

Mike Michalowicz knows how to build a business. In fact, Simon Sinek deemed him a "meridian contender for the patron saint of entrepreneurs." With deep experience creating and leading multi-million-dollar ventures, he's too devoted his life to researching impactful entrepreneurial strategies.

ix. Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make Information technology...and Why the Rest Don't by Verne Harnish

Recommended by: Beth Nordaune, CEO and Founder, The Enclave Team

"Scaling Upwards by Verne Harnish — I ever say that is one of the all-time books if you're thinking about doing a team that yous should check out."

Cheque out our interview with Beth Nordaune — "How This Second Generation Realtor Scaled Her Way from a five-Person Functioning to a Multi-Location Team."

Almost the writer:

Verne Harnish is the founder of the world-renowned Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO). His book, Scaling Up, has won 8 major international book awards, including the prestigious International Book Award for Best General Concern volume.

The best books for building and leading your team

Whether you're just starting a team or looking to take your agents to the side by side level, bank check out these great reads for real manor brokers and team leaders!

10. The Traction Library by Gino Wickman et al.

Recommended by: Steven Rovithis, Broker/Owner, ROVI Homes

"I'm really digging in hard on the EOS stuff. And then they've got a six book serial. We've hired an integrator or implementer to come out and help usa integrate that into our organization because we were getting to a size where the org chart was not in a good place. And we've really been working hard to make certain our meetings run efficiently, that the structure is right, and everybody understands their roles and responsibilities. It really opened up my eyes to how an organization can successfully run. We were definitely winging it."

About the writer:

Gino Wickman is the creator of the Entrepreneurial Operating Arrangement (EOS), a practical method for helping companies achieve greatness. There are over 130k companies using the EOS tools worldwide. The first book in the series, Traction: Go a Grip on Your Business, has sold over 1 million copies, and the other 5 books in the Traction Library accept sold almost 2 1000000 copies.

xi. Dare to Lead past Dr. Brené Brown

Recommended by: Lisa Archer, Chief Opportunity Officer, Alive Love Homes

"I dearest to read, the virtually recent was Brene Chocolate-brown, Dare to Pb."

Nearly the author:

Dr. Brené Chocolate-brown is a research professor at the University of Houston where she holds the Huffington Foundation – Brené Brownish Endowed Chair at The Graduate Higher of Social Work.

12. The High-Performing Existent Estate Team: 5 Keys to Dramatically Increasing Sales and Commissions by Brian Icenhower

Reader review: "The MREA for Teams" - Jason Jenkins

"I tin can tell you as someone who has put in a tremendous amount of work as a Realtor, taking the time to acquire the nuances and other different disciplines that go into existence successful as a Realtor, that this book is without question the foundation for all things Teams related in Real Manor. This book teaches you not only how to take a team merely also how to run it similar a business. For anyone who has ever run a business, they can verify that they know exactly what I mean. … [As] someone who has read dozens upon dozens of books well-nigh concern and the different fields in Real Estate[,] this is a must accept for the shelf. You'll give thanks me for recommending this to you."

About the author:

Brian Icenhower is the CEO and Founder of Icenhower Coaching & Consulting (ICC) — one of the largest real estate coaching companies in the world, supporting many of the highest producing agents, teams, and brokerage owners. ICC also produces podcasts, online courses, video modules, training materials, and more than.

13. What You Do Is Who You lot Are by Ben Horowitz

Recommended by: Emily Smith, COO, Wemert Grouping Realty

"Information technology'southward all about creating culture in an office space. It was passed to me by a vendor partner of ours that said 'Oh you lot're my culture girl. You need to read this book.' And I read it and I couldn't put it downward. It was really good."

Bank check out our interview with Emily Smith — "Not a Brokerage: How to Attain $265 Million with forty% Echo Referrals Using a Team-First Arroyo."

About the author:

Ben Horowitz, a leading venture capitalist, mod management expert, and New York Times bestselling author, combines lessons both from history and from modern organizational practice with practical and frequently surprising advice to help executives build cultures that can weather both good and bad times.

14. Culture Code by Daniel Coyle

Recommended past: Ryan Rodenbeck, Broker/Owner, Spyglass Realty

"I think I would tell five-twelvemonth-ago me to read The Culture Code. And I would focus more on it."

Bank check out our interview with Ryan Rodenbeck — "How to Build a xx-Agent Dream Team and Hit $96 Million Per Year."

Near the author:

Daniel Coyle is the writer of the New York Times bestseller Lance Armstrong'due south War and Hardball: A Season in the Projects, and is a contributing editor for Outside magazine.

fifteen. Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win past Jocko Willink

Recommended by: Steven Rovithis, Broker/Possessor, ROVI Homes

"I promise you, you have people in your arrangement correct now that are better off in a different seat. And that book, Extreme Buying past Jocko Willink, is spot on with full responsibility. At this point, I've actually got to accept farthermost measures, downwards to the indicate of if an employee isn't working out, I probably had something to do with the hiring process, right? So I've got to take responsibility for how we've failed them. Maybe we should accept never hired them in the showtime place or something. Actually trying to take buying of everything is hard to swallow sometimes, but if you have that attitude and don't expect anything from everyone, you can autumn in love with the process, right? 'Cause information technology's a daily grind for sure."

About the author

Jocko Willink is a busy retired Navy SEAL officer. In 2010, he launched Echelon Front, where he teaches leadership principles he learned on the battlefield to help others lead and win.

The best books to sharpen your mindset

Sometimes you don't demand tactics, simply you lot do demand help getting in the right mindset for success. These books will help you practise only that!

16. Shift: How Height Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times by Gary Keller

(Yes, some other Gary Keller book… he's that good!)

Recommended by: Donna Stott, Broker/Coach, Your Coaching Matters

"Shift is a great book because it shows you how to look at how to get from where yous are to where yous want to be. There are 3 parts they employ metaphors for: the Rider, the Elephant, and the Path."

"The Passenger is the intellect. The program maker. The organisation generator. This Rider gets on the Elephant, which represents the motivation and actions taken…or just continuing still. Information technology can be easy to have a peachy plan, but if you don't have the motivation and take action, the elephant just stands there. You don't go anywhere. The 3rd role, notwithstanding, relates to the short synopsis above. The PATH is how you go there. Is information technology with ease? Or are there boulders in the way? What about pebbles? Twists and turns? How well the elephant moves is determined by the path yous choose."

"Choosing Bought Leads over Generating Leads is one of those paths that can lead to a myriad of issues."

Check out our interview with Donna & Mike Stott — "How to Triple Your Real Estate Business by Shrinking Your Database."

17. The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino

Recommended by: Ron Howard, Owner, Ron Howard & Associates of RE/MAX Preferred

"I'd recommend The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino. It was recommended to me by Verl Workman and it's only vivid."

"It's influenced by many aboriginal philosophies including lessons from the Bible and others. For example, one is 'I will grade good habits and become their slave.' Things similar, 'Start each twenty-four hour period with dearest in your center. I will persist until I succeed.'  It's got a lot of the aforementioned ideas you might find in other books simply the way it'southward written and presented is vivid."

Check out our interview with Ron Howard — "Winning in Real Estate Without 'Selling'."

About the author:

Og Mandino is the well-nigh widely read inspirational and cocky-help author in the globe. Quondam president of Success Unlimited magazine, Mandino was the first recipient of the Napoleon Hill Aureate Medal for literary achievement. Og Mandino was a member of the International Speakers Hall of Fame and honored with the Masters of Influence by the National Speakers Association. Og Mandino passed away in 1996.

18. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini

Recommended by: Joshua Smith, Real Estate Coach & Host of GSD Mode

"Influence past Robert Cialdini… We are in the 'Human Connection' business and nosotros need to be extremely effective with the Man Connectedness and edifice great long term relationships. The Real Estate Industry is transitioning from a 'Relationship Business concern' to a 'Transactional Business' and if our Industry becomes transactional based, it will weaken the function of the Existent Estate Agent and continue to drive down Real Estate Agent Compensation. As Real Estate Agents, the real battle we are facing is making certain our manufacture does non turn transactional and as technology expands, yes we must learn and primary how to utilise technology as finer as possible, but we need to use technology to allow u.s. to develop stronger relationships and we need to be extremely careful to not allow it to replace the human relationship."

Near the writer:

Dr. Robert Cialdini has spent his entire career researching the science of influence earning him an international reputation as an expert in the fields of persuasion, compliance, and negotiation. Influence has been listed on the "New York Times Business Best Seller List." Fortune Magazine lists Influence in their "75 Smartest Business Books." CEO Read lists Influence in their "100 All-time Business organization Books of All Time."

nineteen. The Maxwell Daily Reader by John C. Maxwell

Recommended by: Dr. Lee Davenport, Founder, LEARN WITH LEE: Real Estate Coaching & Consulting

"I love this because information technology is truly '365 days of insight to develop the leader within yous'.  Don't believe me? Here's a sample that directly relates to the market transformation happening equally nosotros enter the new twelvemonth:

Bang-up leaders are seldom blindsided. They realize that the punch that knocks them out is seldom the hard 1 — it's the one they didn't see coming. Therefore, they are always looking for signs and indicators that will give them insight into the trouble ahead and their odds of fixing information technology… Pay attending to your intuition and follow up when something strikes y'all.

"See what I mean? You may have a gut feeling to take a course of activity equally the new year approaches. Hopefully, this excerpt gives you the backbone to follow your instincts."

Nigh the author:

John C. Maxwell is an internationally recognized leadership practiced, speaker, omnibus, and writer who has sold over 19 one thousand thousand books. He is the founder of EQUIP and the John Maxwell Visitor. A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Business Week best-selling author, Maxwell has written three books which have each sold more than one meg copies.

20. Principles by Ray Dalio

Recommended past: Taylor Hack, Owner and Team Leader, HACK&Co.

"A book I've read in the past and I'm gonna return to is Principles by Ray Dalio, and specifically the sections where he's talking about the people effectually y'all in your business organisation being a multiplier of your hours. He's the best I've ever seen on resonating advice in teams. Similar he talks about how your team needs a cascading message vii times before it will start to resonate."

Check out our interview with Taylor Hack — "The Path from Car Salesperson to Real Estate Sales Force."

About the author:

Ray Dalio is the founder and co-chairman of Bridgewater Assembly, the largest and all-time performing hedge fund in the world. Dalio has appeared on the Time 100 list of most influential people in the earth. Principles is a #1 New York Times Bestseller and a #one Amazon Business Book of the Year.

Best Books for Real Estate Agents: Before yous choose, have stock

Intel is great just learning itself can become overwhelming if you don't go about it with the right intentions. This is the time to fill your forecasts, build your pipeline and actually reflect on who your customers are and what they need from you lot.

Take an inventory of your business strengths and improvement areas. Are they aligned with your biggest personal goals? What about your goals for the yr?

You are too busy to spend fourth dimension learning virtually an attribute of the business organisation that'due south better off in someone else's hands. Focus on getting the right people and lead management systems in place so that you tin can place your best energy where information technology matters most.

Because at the end of the twenty-four hour period, books are filled with great ideas, but information is but ability when applied.


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